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Law Way 

Indigenous Business and the Law
[Half Day Workshop]

The window of opportunity is now!

Indigenous businesses are teaming up with mainstream corporates to market to specific sectors. Mainstream companies are setting up joint ventures with Indigenous entrepreneurs to comply with the IPP and set up new income streams. The IPP is a popular Government policy leading to more Indigenous employment and personal empowerment. 

Law Way is a business development workshop specifically designed in response to the needs of Indigenous Entrepreneurs. Prepared and presented by lawyer and Indigenous business woman Ms Terri Janke, the Law Way Workshop will show you a better pathway for professional development. 

The Law Way Workshop builds on the 36 page publication Law Way: Indigenous Business and the Law and the Law Way YouTube series

Joint Ventures and the Law
[Full Day Workshop]

JV's and the Law is a business development workshop specifically designed for the needs of Indigenous Entreprenuers, organisations and PBS's who are considering a joint venture (JV).


JV's are particularly useful when the two parties have similar goals and value systems, but different resources and different skill strengths. For example, a "money-partner-with-no-time" might link up with a "skilled-partner-with-no-money" to create a viable JV. Combined, there can be a clear sense of purpose and stronger resources.

The Workshop will discuss what a JV is, the IPP, Shareholders Agreements, IP and ICIP, Contracting, managing and avoiding risk, exit strategies, and more. 

Intellectual Property and Branding
[Full Day Workshop]

IP and Branding is a unique business development workshop specifically designed for the needs of Indigenous Entreprenuers, organisations and PBS's who want to better understand:

  • Branding

  • Intellectual Property (IP)

  • Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP)


The workshop will provide an insight into intellectual property in the commercial context and in relation to business branding, as well as its growing role as a focus for the Indigenous business sector.  The topics are designed to discuss the key aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) relevant to Indigenous business management, and how to forward plan for best protection of your brand by developing an IP management plan.

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