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Some Recent Projects by Anika

Anika is a Solicitor here at Terri Janke and Company. In her year with us she has worked on a lot of interesting projects, including working with GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) to establish Indigenous Cultural Protocols and running workshops to educate the community about Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP).

Anika worked with the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) throughout this year to help them develop their ICIP Protocols. Developing the protocols ensures that when MAAS is working with Indigenous individuals and communities they are communicating effectively and engaging in respectful collaborations. Both Anika and Terri were able to run a workshop for MAAS staff members to assist their understanding and engagement with the protocol.

In July, Anika also travelled to Cooktown to run a workshop with CSIRO for the Olkola Aboriginal Corporation. The workshop was to inform Olkola Elders of their Intellectual Property and ICIP rights in relation to publication of biodiversity material collected by researchers collaborating with the Olkola people on the Atlas of Living Australia. The workshop ensured that Olkola Elders understood the full implications of publishing their IP and ICIP online and were in a better position to control how this information would be shared.

Gas Hill overlooking Cooktown, with Kylie Lingard, Anika Valenti & Gerry Turpin

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