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Connect 2019: TJC's 10-year Journey as a Supply Nation Connect Exhibitor

10 years ago, Supply Nation hosted their first Indigenous Business Tradeshow, which involved only 13 exhibitors. On Thursday 9th of May, we are proud to say that we attended the 10th Supply Nation Connect Trade Show in a row and counting. This year, the show had a whopping 180 exhibitors and over 1,200 attendees walk through the door.

This year, we decided to have our whole team come along and join in on the action at the biggest Indigenous networking event in the country. A total of 10 TJC staff were at the show to celebrate our former and current client’s success stories, and meet some exciting new businesses attending the Trade Show for the first time.

Each year we pick a theme for our booth, and this year we decided to acknowledge being 100%: - 100% Indigenous owned and managed - 100% Committed to our client’s successes - 100% Driven to empower Indigenous People.

Solicitor Director Terri Janke, and Solicitor Maiko Sentina also attended the Connect Knowledge forum which was held on Wednesday 8th of May. Terri was on the panel “Joint Venture – Not a dirty word” alongside Dwayne Good and Heath Nelson. The panel got so much great feedback and stimulated a lot of great discussions at our tradeshow booth.

Our Three take aways for next year’s Tradeshow?

Promote your attendance – let your clients know that you will be at the tradeshow, what your booth number is, and to come and say hello.

Get plenty of rest the night before – a whole day of networking is fun but can be draining, so plenty of rest the night before is imperative.

Follow up your leads– make sure you take the time to follow up with everyone that you meet on the day. After all, we are there to Connect.

Also, don’t forget to purchase your Gala Dinner tickets for an amazing night. This year, we danced the night away to an incredible performance by Jessica Mauboy.

A big thank you to Supply Nation for all of your hard work and dedication to running such a successful networking event over the last decade.

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