Terri Janke and Company continues to shine with the firm’s appointment to the first Whole of Australian Government Legal Services Panel that commenced on 15 August 2019.
To meet the diverse needs of Commonwealth clients, the Panel comprises of over 60 specialist legal providers working across Australia in a wide range of service expertise. It will provide the bulk of the Commonwealth's external legal services until 2024.[1] The procurement process involved extensive consultation and evaluation by the Attorney-General's Department to select the providers.
As an Indigenous owned law firm, Terri Janke and Company are proud of this amazing achievement and look forward to continuing to assist Commonwealth Government clients. ‘It’s a really big accomplishment that marks our growing strength as an innovative law firm in Australia,’ says Terri Janke.
For more information on the panel visit Purchasing legal services on the Attorney-General’s Department website.
[1] Attorney-General, Whole-of-Government Legal Services Panel commences (16 August 2019) <https://www.attorneygeneral.gov.au/Media/Pages/whole-of-government-legal-services-panel-commences-16-august-2019.aspx>.