Written by Terri Janke and Annabelle Burgess
A discussion paper written by Dr. Terri Janke and Annabelle Burgess has been released by the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC). This paper discusses how Traditional Knowledge can be used to leverage economic opportunities. It part of a wider series of discussion papers that seek to promote conversation in a lead up to adapting ILSC's strategy to support the return and management of Country.
Click here to view: https://www.ilsc.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Indigenous-Cultural-and-Intellectual-Property-Discussion-Paper.pdf
The ILSC assists Indigenous people with achieving economic, environmental, cultural and social gain.
This paper looks at how Indigenous land and sea rights holders can use Intellectual property (IP) or Indigenous Intellectual and Cultural Property (ICIP) rights to their advantage. It summarises the opportunities for Indigenous businesses to authenticate and guide the use of Indigenous Knowledge and discusses areas where the ILSC can provide support to progress these enterprises.
The following areas, discussed in the paper, indicate common alignment with Indigenous peoples’ aspirations, actions and endeavours, and the type of support the ILSC can provide to progress these enterprises.
Bushfoods and bush products industry
Knowledge industries
Research and heritage industry
To ensure Indigenous people control and retain ownership of their knowledge there needs to be support and education on how to licence these rights on negotiated terms. A national protocol, such as the True Tracks® framework, which defines ICIP rights and provides guidelines to respect and uphold these rights, could provide a critical tool to achieving Indigenous control and enabling opportunities to be leveraged.
For more information regarding the conversation see https://www.ilsc.gov.au/engagement-material/.
and read the other Discussion Papers exploring key trends:
To contribute to the conversation complete the online survey here.
If you would like to learn more about how to protect Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property:
Contact us on (02) 9693 2577 or email tjc@terrijanke.com.au
or attend our upcoming True Tracks® ICIP workshop on June 22, 2022.
Buy tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/true-tracks-a-pathway-to-indigenous-engagement-wednesday-22-june-2022-tickets-332484960467